Dott. Paolo Di Emidio Specialista in Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale e Neurochirurgia
(oral and maxillofacial surgery)
Responsabile di U.O.S.D. di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale ed Odontostomatologia presso l'Ospedale G. Mazzini di Teramo
cell. +39 347 0951989
Instrument for the implant of a surgical plate for osteosynthesis
Instrument for the implant of a surgical plate for osteosynthesis
Instrument for the implant of a surgical plate for osteosynthesis
Instrument for the implant of a surgical plate for osteosynthesis
Instrument for the implant of a surgical plate for osteosynthesis
sagomatore di placca della sinfisi mentoniera - Instrument for arch modelling of surgical plates for maxillo-facial surgery
Tool for graduated modelling of biocompatible plates used in orthognadontic surgery
Tool for graduated modelling of biocompatible plates used in orthognadontic surgery
Tool for graduated modelling of biocompatible plates used in orthognadontic surgery
Tool for graduated modelling of biocompatible plates used in orthognadontic surgery
surgical spring for fixing of cranial operculum following to neurological craniectomy
surgical spring for fixing of cranial operculum following to neurological craniectomy
surgical spring for fixing of cranial operculum following to neurological craniectomy
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps
Anti-trauma surgical plate used to fix mandibular stumps